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The Effect of Heavy Backpacks on Children's Spines

You see little children carrying large backpacks that seem as big as their little bodies all the time. Do you ever wonder about it’s impact on their little bodies?

Turns out carrying heavy backpacks is bad for a child’s back.  It causes compression of the spinal disk and increased spinal curvature.  Curvature that is likely to be amplified if a backpack is worn over one shoulder.  According to a recent study out of Wolters Kluwer Health.

Carrying heavy backpacks likely has long term implications for the probability of these children experiencing back problems as adults.

This study confirms what common sense should indicate.  The good news is this is preventable!

Image Courtesy of Sean Dreilinge

In the near future:  It’s likely our children will be reading their texts from Kindle or “Kindle Like” devices – This will drastically reduce the weight and the need for lugging around all those texts.

For Now: Make sure they have a backpack with wheels that can be easily rolled without putting pressure on the back!

Read the study:

Heavy Backpacks Affect Children’s Spines.

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